Creating a business hours schedule

Create a business hours schedule to define when your business or operation is open or closed. Energy Hub uses the business hours schedule, for example, to show how much energy a location consumes during open hours compared to closed hours.

To create a business hours schedule:

  1. In Energy Hub, go to Investigate and select the Energy view.
  2. In the organization tree, select the location that you want to create a business hours schedule for.

    NOTE: You can only create business hours schedules for sites and locations within a site, not for organizations or regions.

  3. In the display panel, find the Energy consumption by business hours display for this location.
  4. In the display, in the top right corner, select the schedule icon. The Business hours schedule displays.
  5. In Business hours schedule, select Add open hours to define when your business is open.

    NOTE: Any days or times that are not defined as open hours are considered to be closed hours.

  6. (Optional) In Business hours schedule, define special time periods when your business is closed, for example for holidays.

    TIP: Try to use Import holidays to set the public holidays for your country, if they are available. If a list of holidays is not available for your country, then define them manually..

    NOTE: Periods of business closure take priority over the open hours defined in the schedule.

  7. Select Save.