Deleting tariffs

Delete tariffs that are no longer needed.

To delete a tariff:

NOTE: Users with limited access permissions within the organization cannot view, create, edit, assign, or delete tariffs.

  1. In Energy Hub, go to Investigate and select any of the views (Asset, Energy, Electrical, or Cost).
  2. In the organization tree, select any site.
  3. In the information panel for the site, select the Tariffs tab. A selector for commodity options (Electricity, Gas, Water) and a list of assigned tariffs for the chosen commodity for this site display.
  4. Select the commodity for the tariff that you want to delete.
  5. Select Edit . The edit controls display.
  6. Select Delete tariff. The Delete tariff dialog displays.
  7. In Delete tariff, select the tariff you want to delete.
  8. Review the information displayed in the delete dialog.
  9. Select Delete.