Selecting a symbol standard for single-line diagrams
Choose between NEMA and IEC symbols to display electrical network components, such as breakers, transformers, and loads, in a single-line diagram. The symbol standard is set at the site level.
To select a symbol standard for a single-line diagram:
- In Energy Hub, go to Investigate and select the Asset view, Energy view, or Electrical view.
- In the navigation panel, find and select the site that you want to select the single-line diagram symbols for.
- In the information panel for the site, on the Info tab, from the options menu (three dots), select Edit to open the information panel editor.
- In the information panel editor, under Information, find the SLD symbol standard box and select the standard (IEC or NEMA) that you would like to use for this site.
- Select Save.
TIP: You can also set the symbol standard in Setup > System setup, in the information panel for the site.