Selecting a symbol standard for single-line diagrams

Choose between NEMA and IEC symbols to display electrical network components, such as breakers, transformers, and loads, in a single-line diagram. The symbol standard is set at the site level.

To select a symbol standard for a single-line diagram:

  1. In Energy Hub, go to Investigate and select the Asset view, Energy view, or Electrical view.
  2. In the navigation panel, find and select the site that you want to select the single-line diagram symbols for.
  3. In the information panel for the site, on the Info tab, from the options menu (three dots), select Edit to open the information panel editor.
  4. In the information panel editor, under Information, find the SLD symbol standard box and select the standard (IEC or NEMA) that you would like to use for this site.
  5. Select Save.

TIP: You can also set the symbol standard in Setup > System setup, in the information panel for the site.